Jason Shew
Sat ⋆ 2022-10-22 ⋆ 05:35 EDT
πŸ”΄ Updated: Wed ⋆ 2022-12-07 ⋆ 03:33 EST

Both the song and the album have come to the first place in Replay ’22.

Sat ⋆ 2022-10-22 ⋆ 05:35 EDT

When asked about my favourite song from childhood, I’d always mention Home! Sweet Home!, which was written by Henry Bishop in 1823 and sold more than 100,000 copies soon after it was released.

People in Asia may have heard various versions of this song in different languages, but the lyrics collectively — and unsurprisingly — revolve around hearth and home. For someone growing up in a broken home, this song simply struck home.

The arrangement of this recording by Sumi Jo is grandiose yet replete with pathos.

A month after leaving Hamilton, it’s come home to me what it means when people say β€”

There’s no place like home.

🎧 Home Sweet Home
Sumi Jo
Missing You (2008)
Now β€“ Thu ⋆ 2022-11-03 ⋆ 11:43 EDT
Now β€“ Mon ⋆ 2022-07-18 ⋆ 02:38 EDT