Jason Shew


This page contains useful links about Jason. You’re advised to bookmark this page for future reference.


If you don’t know much about Jason or this site, read the About page here.

Blog / Microblog

Jason is active on his own E/N weblog at jasonshew.ca. This static weblog was recently re-engineered (in late November, 2022), so older posts written in other formats are not present at this point. Status updates are called microposts; longer articles are blogposts. If you wish to leave a comment, feel free to send an email or instant message. An RSS feed is available here.

Colophon / Uses

Curious to know what hardware, software, and services he is currently using? See the Colophon page (aka the Uses” page).

Contact Info / Social Media

Jason may not be very socially adroit, but he’s trying his best to establish authentic connections with friends from around the world. If you hope to reach Jason via email (regular or encrypted), instant messaging, or social media, please refer to his vanity site at www.jasonshew.com.

Note Social media accounts other than listed on the aforementioned website that purport to represent Jason Shew may be fraudulent. Beware of impersonation attacks. In case you are not sure if an account is legit, contact him directly. If you wish to connect on traditional platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), write him an email and familiarize him with yourself first because he is more attuned to sharing his life, dad jokes, and memes with a small following. As a habitual remover of digital footprints, he deactivates (or deletes) his social media accounts from time to time. Do not take it personally or seriously. None of his social accounts are monitored 24/7; follow-backs are not guaranteed. All his social media accounts are LGBTQIA+-friendly.

  • If you haven’t seen Jason in a while, go check his Now” page first: jasonshew.ca/now.
  • Did you know? Most /now pages on the Internet today are inspired by Derek Siverss /now page movement. See Jason’s /now profile here.
  • In order to keep all the versions of the now page, the new site has a new approach. You will see posts titled Now from time to time, and the /now page is actually a collection of those Now posts.
  • Wondering what he is listening to now? Check his playlists here.

Click here to download Jason’s latest résumé. Please note that clickthrough is allowed only when Jason is open to new job / collaboration opportunities. The downloaded file may be password-protected due to privacy concerns; feel free to reach out for a passcode if so.

Tipping / Gifting

If you intend to show your support or send a gratuity for something you find useful or interesting, you may send Jason a tip and / or a gift by one of the means listed at www.jasonshew.com. Support in any form would be appreciated.

This page is still being updated (last updated: February 19, 2023). All content is subject to change at any time without notice.